CSE Outreach


CSE 198 aims to assemble dedicated UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering students who all have a shared passion for making a difference in the lives of San Diego County's most vulnerable youth. Students enrolled in this course create and present custom-tailored lessons that delve into the vast realm of Computer Science, with the ultimate goal of empowering and inspiring underprivileged K-12 students while also developing critical soft skills and a deeper understanding of technical knowledge.


Currently, the outreach program has two projects:
1. Artificial Intelligence: Minimax - Build an AI bot that plays Tic-Tac-Toe (and never loses!).
2. Introduction to Computer Vision - Learn the fundamentals of how computers learn to recognize images.

Projects are designed to take one week (five days), with each part being fully self-contained. All questions and code are autograded, allowing quick implementation into high schools without prior training for educators.


Our Team:

Tyler Meyers