2023 - 2024 Officers
Annie Liu
Kanishka Roy
Vice President of External
Brandon Imai
Vice President of Induction
Darren Ng
Vice President of Technology
Meghaj Vadlaputi
Vice President of Technology
Ryan Chen
Vice President of Events
Phoebe Tang
Vice President of Outreach
Katherine Vu
Vice President of Outreach
Thomas Rexin
Social Chair
Zoe Ludena
Social Chair
Joshua Hayes
Social Chair
Eric Hsiao
Social Chair
Ciro Zhang
BENG Events Chair
Saloni Bagri
CSE Events Chair
Oscar Khaing
DSC Events Chair
Lucas Chen
ECEĀ Events Chair
Yichen Yu
ECE Events Chair
Kibum Kim
MAE Events Chair
Manu Mittal
MAE Events Chair
Marco Rincon-Villanueva
Math-CS Events Chair
Athulith Paraselli
Math-CS Events Chair
Yuelei Li
Special Events Chair
Abigail Shilts
Special Events Chair
Maximilian Wang
Special Events Chair
Alessandra Tjitro
Special Events Chair
Daniel Cruz Espada
Special Events Chair
Jacob Liu
Professional Chair
Duke Wu
Professional Chair
Danny Doan
Professional Chair
Kabir Vats
Professional Chair
Charlotte Dong
Professional Chair
Jett Ngo
Marketing Director
Medha Upadhyay
Publicity Chair
Pallavi Prabhu
Publicity Chair
Vicky Tang
Publicity Chair
Colin Huang
Jenelle Truong
Software Dev
Keng-lien Lin
Software Dev
Ryan Lee
Software Dev
Andrew Pu
Software Dev
Grey Luo
Induction Coordinator
Minghan Wu
Internal Coordinator
Ryan Ho
Professional Outreach Chair
Om Rabadia
Professional Outreach Chair
Ethan Jenkins
Professional Outreach Chair
Justin Hernandez
ECE Outreach Chair
Henry Lin
MAE Outreach Chair
Alexander Parrish
CSE Outreach Chair
Tyler Meyers
CSE Outreach Chair
Brandon Nghiem
Grad Advisor
Anjali Srinivasan
Grad Advisor
Lisa Takai
Grad Advisor
Joel Bisarra
Grad Advisor
Krystal Chan
Grad Advisor
Tara Len
Grad Advisor
Raini Wu
Grad Advisor
Kyle Wade
Grad Advisor
Meghaj Vadlaputi
2022 - 2023 Officers
Raini Wu
Vice President of Induction
Meghaj Vadlaputi
Vice President of Events
Annie Liu
Vice President of Outreach
Tara Len
Vice President of External
Anjali Srinivasan
Software Developer Lead
Kyle Wade
ECE Dept Chair
Kanishka Roy
CSE Dept Chair | Software Dev
Eric Hsiao
MAE Dept Chair
Melissa Chan
Math-CS Dept Chair
Akhil Parvathaneni
BENG Dept Chair
Saloni Bagri
Professional Chair | Software Dev
Brandon Imai
Social Chair
Wei Qin
Social Chair
Rachel Lin
Induction Coordinator
Ryan Chen
ECE Outreach Chair
Girish Krishnan
CSE Outreach Chair
Thomas Rexin
MAE Outreach Chair
Katherine Vu
Jenelle Truong
Publicity Chair
Lance Zhu
Myat Ei Mon
Software PM
Divneet Kaur
SoftwareĀ Dev
Bill Lui
Software Dev
Nihal Nazeem
Software Dev
Muchan (Sam) Li
Software Dev
Lauren Lee
Graduate Advisor
Tim Jiang
Graduate Advisor
Joel Bisarra
Graduate Advisor
Lisa Takai
2021 - 2022 Officers
2020 - 2021 Officers
2019 - 2020 Officers
2018 - 2019 Officers
2017 - 2018 Officers
2016 - 2017 Officers
2015 - 2016

Joshua Ma

Spenser Cornett
Vice President Internal

Oscar Guerrero
Vice President External

Claire Sun

Gannon Geiserich

Chris Galac

Lucas Tindall
Web Correspondent

Andrew Saad
Social Chair

Lorenzo Page
ECE Technical Chair

Arvind Rao
CSE Technical Chair

Michelle Rodriguez

Paul Yoon
TESC Representative

Elbert He
ECE Representative

Michael Unanian
Project Lead and Head Tutor
2014 - 2015
President: Kriss Wilkerson
VP External: Kyle Gustafson
VP Internal: Spenser Cornett
Secretary: Josh Ma
Treasurer: Tim Dell
Head Tutor: Kyle Somers
Public Relations: Jack Li
Social Chair: Oscar Guerrero
TESC Representative: Vincent Yu
ECE Representative: Dennis Shen
CSE Representative: Joseph Luttrell
MAE Representative: Behnam Hedayat
NANO Representative: Melisa Averina
Web Correspondent: Arvind Rao
President: Miles Sanner
Vice President Internal: Ashley He
Vice President External: Kyle Gustafson
Treasurer: Wilson Villanueva
Secretary: Derek Chan
ECE Rep: Kriss Wilkerson
NANO Rep: Annie Cheng
TESC Rep: Roger Huang
Public Relations Chair: Nikhil Das
Head Tutor: Kyle Somers
President: Roger Huang
Vice President Internal: Wilson Guo
Vice President External: Ricky Lui
Treasurer: Miles Sanner
Secretary: Bryan Ransil
ECE Department Representative: Jonathan Young
CSE Department Representative: Ryan Mast
TESC Representative: Derek Chan
Web Correspondant: Sean Webster
NANO Department Representative: Derek Lau
Pubic Relations Chair: Judy Lin
Head Tutor: Ben Ellis
President: Kevin Huynh
Vice President Internal: Jennifer Wang
Vice President External: Ben Ellis
Treasurer: Steven Fong
Secretary: Kirsten Koa
ECE Department Representative: Roger Huang
CSE Department Representative: Wilson Guo
TESC Representative: Adrian Teng-Amnuay
Web Correspondent: Ricky Lui
Events Coordinator: Daniel Yoonho Lee
President: Justin Huang
Vice President Internal: Alexander Corelli
Vice President External: Mabel Zhang
Treasurer / Secretary: Diana Chang
ECE Department Representative: Kevin Huynh
CSE Department Representative: Henry Phuong
Web Correspondent: Alice Liang
Events Coordinator: Allen Wong
TESC Representative: Craig Calkins
President: Cathy Lu
Vice President Internal: Justin Huang
Vice President External/TESC Representative: Sean Chen
Treasurer: Diana Chang
Secretary: Sandra Shih
ECE Department Representative: Justin Nguyen
CSE Department Representative: Michael Nekrasov
Social Coordinator: Viral Bhalodia
Web Correspondent: Kellen Steffen
President: Denard Agsalon
Vice President: Paul Chen
Treasurer: Ronnie Jang
ECE Department Representative: Rika Yatchak
Web Coordinator: Brian Lee
Social Coordinator: Cathy Lu
TESC Representative: Brian Gungman
President: Sparta Cheung
Vice President: Lynn Greiner
Treasurer: Alvin Shieh
ECE Department Representative: Senabio Chavez
Web Coordinator: Nima Razmehr
Social Coordinator: Bunreth Nhong
TESC Representative: Denard Agsalon
President: Sammy Lee
Vice President: Byron Ho
Recording Secretary: Catherine Noble
Corresponding Secretary: Sparta Cheung
Treasurer: Zhang Sheng Liang
Web Coordinator: Patrick Ling
ECE Department Representative: Lynn Greiner
Social Coordinator: Alvin Shieh
President: Jordan Tanabe
Vice President: Sammy Lee
Recording Secretary: Catherine Noble
Corresponding Secretary: Quinn Kennett
Treasurer: Zhang Sheng Liang
Web Coordinator: Aaron Jow
Honorary Alumni: Zachary Bauer